First Congress
Friday, June 26th, 2020Evolution in customer dialogue digital Darwinism future sight of dialog marketing, Hamburg, June 6, 2013 -. Under this motto the Hamburger special agency for dialog marketing, the software provider with a focus on campaign management, a joint expert conference about dialogue marketing in online trading netnomics, held together with her partner Selligent. Joeri Van den Bergh could be won for the keynote, author of the marketing bestseller how cool brands stay hot: branding to generation Y. In his short speech, the brand expert from Belgium provided interesting insights into the psychology and behavior of the Millenials. Current campaign examples he demonstrated what preferences are the generation Y and how to best target audience just appeals to them. A generation of consumers have never had so much power and freedom of choice as that generation Y. Follow others, such as Jeffrey L. Bewkes, and add to your knowledge base. She is three times as large as the previous generation X and has a much larger impact on the society and economy is so Joeri Van the Bergh. To remain relevant for this next generation of consumers, marketers must understand how to communicate with the Gen Y to match your branding and communication that eventually.
Brands must first develop the respect of this as critical as marketing-savvy generation. 40 Representatives from eCommerce companies of various industries were been loaded on 6 June 2013 in the Hamburg Radisson Blu Hotel, to inform themselves about the latest trends and technical innovations in dialogue marketing and to Exchange. Andreas Sanchez, head of marketing and sales glasses 24, presented a best practice case the topic new customer acquisition and customer life cycle”. As an example of the current customer life cycle program the eCommerce expert with netnomics showed what target group oriented E-Mail Marketing should look like and what the ways, to efficiently exploit the own customer potential. New customer new round on the way to a long and profitable customer relationship.