Commercial Revolutions

Posted by Yusuf on February 26th, 2020 — Posted in News


Eque in accordance with the new forms of accumulation of the capital (as well as ocorredesde the revolutions commercial and industrial, following the racionalidadecapitalista of accumulation and concentration), that for happiness they will be able to appear, toyotismopode if to consolidate or to be surpassed, this why the society is in constanteprocesso of transformation, and consequentemente, its way to produce the espaogeogrfico. What if it can conclude on the presented study, the development in the way of capitalist production is quedurante had appeared diferentesmodelos of production, inherent to the proper capitalism. Given to the importance dofordismo-taylorismo and of the toyotismo it stops with the evolution of the sistemacapitalista, each one of them represents different periods of training of desenvolvimentodeste. The fordismo revolutionized the industry with the introduction of the line demontagem and production in series. She also fits to detach the important automobile daindstria paper, therefore it was it cradle, as much of fordismoquanto of she succeeded what it. On the other hand, with the structural crisis of the sistemacapitalista of 70, that it affected in full the fordismo-taylorismo, the toyotismo (just in teams) or model appears of flexible production, with new forms industrial deorganizao and new forms of coordination of the work.

Acumulaoflexvel, thus, is the new way found for the capitalism to surpass suascrises and its internal contradictions e, of this form, to allow to the docapital reproduction and its concentration at the hands of the capitalist elite. Only that, to contrriodo that occurred in the fordista period, in which the accumulation was established rigid empadres, the accumulation, now is flexible, and consequently, flexveldeve to be the process of production and the exploration of the work force.

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