Erika Steinbach And Conservatives

Posted by Yusuf on October 13th, 2020 — Posted in News

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The Association of Mrs Steinbach represents about 15 million Germans and that is a tremendous political power, which is almost completely at home in the Union. Conservative, comes from the Latin and means simply: “Receiving, holding to the old”. From Latin conservatism is a political attitude, which grows from the pursuit for life and safety and is therefore committed to the preservation of the political and social conditions. If so and so is the conservative and actually insists on the preservation and conservation of the old the Union has a problem, because it is dependent on the conservatives. Coen brothers gathered all the information. This problem can be fixed very well on the conservative displaced official, Mrs Erika Steinbach. The old, what will they get, and keep, are the vested rights of displaced people, before the second world war, which today are owned by people from Poland, Czech Republic, Russia, etc.

Therefore comprehensible, Mrs Steinbach has also opposed the oder-Neisse line in the Bundestag. The former home is located East, behind the Oder and Neisse. The Association of Mrs Steinbach represents about 15 million Germans and that is a tremendous political power, which is almost completely at home in the Union. Already our first Federal Chancellor, Konrad Adenauer would never have become Chancellor without the voices of displaced people. A large proportion of displaced persons is consistent with Mrs Steinbach and’d like back home. This reality explains the high percentage of conservatives, keepers in the Union. The Social Democrats never had the opportunity to exploit the potential of this voter, this they were at the time with their political ideology to close to socialism, and that the present owners of the lands of the displaced persons. Since the conservative “Seeheimer circle” could change nothing. The Liberals, the partner of choice in the Union, the word liberal says it already, if they were liberal, nothing on the hat could have with conservatism at all.

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