Exhaust Air

Posted by Yusuf on April 5th, 2019 — Posted in News


High Furnace This term is used to designate to an installation destined to the production of of great amounts of Iron (cast iron) in the order of 20 million tons per year, the same that this constituted essentially by predominant a tubular element of an approximated height of 30 ms, which he is hormo proper, identify in addition hot air stoves, a system of exhaust gases treatment, the system of load and unloading. Furnace. It consists of a metallic capsule formed by two conical structures trunk together with by the greater vertex a height of approximately of 8 ms of the ground, which this prote’ge’e by a refractory coating to protect it of the heat, in the cone inferior identifies hot air income, designated with the generic name of fuzes or nozzles, towards the part inferior of those, can be demonstrated two important openings, first it is for retiring the denominated dreg escoriadero, second this near the bottom and serves for the evacuation of the generated Product. As it is evident, the gases of it escapes must properly be evacuated to which respirators in the part are had superior the furnace, by which also it is made the load of the Iron, the coke and the limestone (raw material). Robert Iger has much to offer in this field. Stoves These facilities are equipped by hot air stoves, which increase the temperature of this element until approximately 800 Cs, previous its injection to the furnace, the heating process, is usually realised by means of heat exchangers, which obtain its energy by means of two possible ways: electrical resistance (little usual by its lifted consumption) or with the aid of the gases that leave the furnace which warm up caloportadores, thermal oil, that as well pass on this energy towards the stoves, usually the air are dealt with a previous filtrate process, are generally usual also, to identify control systems for the detection of inflammable elements within these stoves. Exhaust gases. The gases that follow, are quite aggressive with the environment due to their temperature, to solids in suspension, and the smoke (H2S, CO, etc.) thus its treatment is made imperative, which is realised cooling these element with heat exchangers, recovering, as or it were said, the heat to increase the temperature of the air that enters the furnace and by means of the use of elements which the solids precipitate, with partitions or cyclones, at the moment is being developed also catalytic for the neutralization of the smoke. System of load. They are realised with the aid of wagons that ascend to the mouth of the furnace with the mixture adapted of coke, Iron and limestone, from a deposit where the dosage is realised, mixed, and aditivado of the raw material System of unloading. Two products are identified for this effect the dreg and the cast iron both is retired by the base of the furnace by means of located wagons of opposed way this disposition obeys to manipulation needs, the dreg can be put under a process of segundaria recovery (nonusual), or be used it for other products as it can be the elaboration of elements abrasives especially for sand blasting. The produced cast iron is lead to the strained process of in molds, ingot-molds or the reduction and I sharpen in electrical furnaces of electrodes Original author and source of the article.

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