In China

Posted by Yusuf on January 12th, 2017 — Posted in News


These plates were burnt in the ovens. The book was ready. Texts were written politicians, commercial, religious in a cuneiform writing. The meeting of these plates formed libraries. Libraries with more than 500 a thousand workmanships had been found.

Through these plates we are knowing of the real existence of the city of Nnive and of king Assurbanipal in 650 year a.C.Tambm we discover that it had a bloom of literature in this city. In China the written production it happened well later. They used boards wooden, written of the left for the right and from top to bottom. Later they had started to write in silk and in the beginning of century II of the Christian age, the Chinese had invented the paper. One another old model was the parchment use. One is about the withdrawal of the leather of the sheep and after worked, it was as if it was a magnificent paper. This type of material still is used today in diplomas of the superior course. The book evolved very in the average age.

All age transmitted through books. Gutemberg invented the press in the average age, printed the first bible and the process of formation of the current book was ready. 1.3.PROSA AND POETRY: The literary texts are divided in two parts: poetry chats and. Which the difference? What it was born first? The poetry is the subjective, Metaphysical, vacant language with the interior world of the poet. It is a short text with short conjuncts and periods, where sobressai the beauty, the harmony and the rhythm. The poetry is the oldest composition of the world. It served as material didactic. With sprouting of the book in clay plates, had also started the first lessons. Everything would have that to be decorated, therefore it did not have material where to write everything and to all hour.

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