Marking Tires
When buying tires need to clearly understand the conditions under which you will exploit them. Wrong choice of tires can give you a lot of inconvenience. For example, when selecting winter tires for driving exclusively in the city, should pay attention to non-studded tires, and frequent trips outside the city where the roads are not handled reagents and frequent ice, studded tires are preferred. When buying a tire should be carefully examined markings on the sidewall of the tire. Here we will try to clearly explain the meaning of some labels. Basic notation on the sidewall of tires: 1. The manufacturer, model bus 2.
Tire size a) The width of the tire. Is in millimeters and must be greater than the width of the disk rim at 25-30%. Formulas for calculating the ratio of the width of the disk rim to tire width: b = (axc) / 24,5, and a = (bx 24,5) / c, where a – width of the tire in millimeters; b – width of the disk rim in inches; c – from 0,7 to 0,75; 24.5 – number of millimeters in one inch. b) The height of a tire. In fact, the so-called aspect ratio tire (mm) to its width (mm). This ratio indicates the percentage. For example: Tyre 205/70 R14.
Height profile of the tires – 70% width, ie of 205 mm. and is 143.5 mm. If the height of a tire is not specified, it is 82% of the width. c) Bore diameter of the tire is indicated in inches.