Posts Tagged ‘advertising’

Survival Instructors

Tuesday, April 25th, 2017

Firstly, because fellow competitors are gone, the information field has become less intense. Accordingly, if earlier on some popular website for real estate ads hung 30 and objects, now, let's say there are 15. This means that for the same price your ads increased by 2 times. Now you have only half the competition – for the same money. Moreover, under current conditions many advertising media resources are ready to Preferences, for example, provide for the same money, more advertising space or to give other bonuses.

Secondly, the advertising budgets are arranged so that, for real estate players swankiest less effective in terms of sales. This generally recognized fact. In those recent days when "everything was fine, builders and realtors were placed on tv, radio, in expensive glossy magazines, often do not even topical. I am not in any way challenge the role of the so-called image advertising in the long run, building a brand, etc., but if we talk about the economy, the cost of contact and the call price several times lower in the conventional media profile. It is well-known "Hand in Hand", "Bulletin property "and, of course, profile real estate sites on the Internet. With regard to the latter, suggest themselves, some conclusions regarding the nature and grounds. Under the current circumstances faced by many people there is a problem not so much selection, as the choice of behavior.

Their concern: how to price falls and when the fall will reach the greatest depths; buy – do not buy, but if you buy, when and what, etc. So much more relevant to them have now become no object platforms – directories and databases, and information and analytical resources. For example: If summer visited about 15 thousand people a day now – 22-25 thousand (ie, attendance has grown by about 45%). Third, under the circumstances, the role of the PR-active companies. pr support required in the long run only the cost of staff salaries, which it is carried out, that is much cheaper unit of accommodation. In this case, it is useless to increase advertising, not working towards the formation of image, reputation, fame and status of the company's methods of pr. The experience of many successful players in the market, work best mix of "Advertising + pr. Summary: Survival Instructors say that the most important in an emergency – do not panic. This principle applies to companies in a rapidly changing economic conditions. Repeatedly proven already many crises: a crisis – is not the end of the world. He may become so for a specific company, if it is amenable to panic. In this case, she begins to make irreparable error and shut itself oxygen. In fact, the crisis is characterized by the fact that triggers the redistribution of market share. And with the right behavior, and optimize the cost is always allows those who is serious, for less money and with great effect to express yourself and to expand market share.