Posts Tagged ‘cover’

The Organization

Sunday, April 19th, 2020

The reasons that is of all knowledge, opinion or dogma about the environment, of oneself or of the personal conduct of the many different types of cognitions, of importance for organizational transformation. A related site: castle harlan mentions similar findings. It is important to highlight that the ideas of self and the concept of himself vary a historical epoch, socioeconomic group, and culture to another. Administrators should remember the need to decrease the emphasis of self-esteem when they are in a process of transformation in collective cultures, using the word we, highlight it in individualistic cultures I. Employees and managers who have high self-esteem, is generally in accordance with the positive statements and disagree with the negative, is they consider valuable, capable and acceptable people. Be considered to have self esteem low those reflectsthe negatively and not feel good about himself which are hampered by doubts about his own person, normally are that opponents of greater resistance to change. It is important to consider that those who are assessed with a score of high self-esteem based on the Organization (ABO), tend to be considered important, valuable, effective and meaningful, in the context of the Organization, this increases when the employee thinks that their supervisors have genuine interest in your welfare. The organic type flexible organizational structures generate values of ABO more high than the mecanicistas. Complex and challenging posts also encourage the increase of the ABO, against simple and repetitive work. So you increase the ABO in people that have a resistance to change, will be a main goal of responsible for the transformation, so it should support them to show real concern for their problems personal, interests, status, giving them a job with variety, autonomy and challenges suitable to the values, skills and capacity of the individual, fight for the cohesiveness and confidence in the Lider-colaborador relationship, have faith in the self-management of each participant, being rewarding the team with success.