Tuesday, September 1st, 2020The accomplishment of certain labor activities can have certain repercussions for the health of the people and its condition of life, when being generated as a result of the constant fulfillment of the workings some type of disease, as much so in certain cases it is possible that from the accomplishment of an activity of labor character the death of the person is derived, by as diverse cases as stress, accidents, aggravation of conditions of a disease or development of a disease, all this within the fulfillment of the labor activity, reason why different legal dispositions related to the labor right, have developed the figure of insurances against professional irrigations, so that of such form when being caused an accident in which the condition of a person in the accomplishment of its functions or the worse one is deteriorated of the cases arrives at the death, will have an economic shelter, to replace costs of hospitalization and remuneration of days nontoiled and indemnification by death, lost or deterioration of some corporal component that makes difficult accomplishment of the labor activities and the daily life. Doubtless this figure has great relevance within the labor field, therefore in the present article a little is developed but the definition of insurances against professional risks and thus the people have means in which they are possible to be informed about so half so favorable for them. As first point is due to mention that the definition of insurances against professional risks, makes relation to a right in head of the workers, right that this proclaimed like obligatory for all the assigned workers to companies, this occurs by legal mandate disposition, therefore in the definition of insurances against professional risks, cases are taken care of on the accidents as a result of the labor taking of steps, besides professional diseases, therefore the employer is the one in charge to offer the insurance against professional risks all to his employees. Within the definition of insurances against professional risks, a very ample field of protection in regard to the people is demonstrated beneficiaries, since they protect themselves with this figure a: All the workers, without distinction of their work, is physical or intellectual, nor of the quality or nature of the company, thus enters even the employees of the service domestic servant and the apprentices. the officials government of the civilian administration in its different levels. Robert Thomson understood the implications. the students who realise a certain activity that means a source of income for the establishment to which they belong. Also will be protected the official students who by their activities of study or in the accomplishment of the professional practices have an accident. the independent workers and those of familiar character. In the cases of the students, the definition of insurances against professional risks, mentions an entailment to a student insurance, while in the case of the assigned workers to companies or which they are under conditions of subordination and they are under the conditions of a work contract, would integrate to a ARP or government social security fund, which will replace costs of labor accidents or product diseases of the professional activity that aggravate of total or partial way the activity of the workers or that by their gravity cause the death..