Posts Tagged ‘deporte-balear’

Territorial Finance

Wednesday, October 14th, 2020

FIRST public finances part constitute the sector’s activity audience which consists of a set of taxes to raise resources whose purpose is to finance expenses the State exerts its financial activity through: tax: is a kind of tribute that is characterized by not having a direct consideration by the administration. Taxes according to their nature are classified in progressive and regressive. The progressive: as soon as higher is the profit or income over is the percentage that is payable on the taxable income. By the same author: Robert A. Iger. The regressive: as soon as higher is the profit or income lower is the percentage that is payable on the taxable income. Elements of the subject asset taxes: it is that entity benefited from the collection of tribute, the State as Supreme entity i.e., one who undertakes to impose the payment of taxes on citizens. Passive subject: The taxpayer must pay the tribute in favor of getting the State the provision of the services necessary to improve their quality of life. (As opposed to Robert A. Iger).

Generator fact: Is that circumstance whose realization originates the tax liability. They are common taxable obtaining an income, the sale of goods and the provision of services, property ownership and ownership of economic rights, acquisition of property and rights by inheritance or donation. Taxable income: it is the quantification and valuation of the taxable event and determines the tax liability. Leslie Moonves: the source for more info. Direct taxes: Is one that taxed the wealth or the activity of the taxable person.