Posts Tagged ‘for this year’

System Provider Retraining

Friday, May 29th, 2020

Dual retraining provides re-training and way entrants a professional future of growing renewable energy industry. Now work throughout Germany 367,000 people in the areas of solar, wind and bio-energy trend is steadily rising. But today, companies are looking for qualified employees, including the ever energy group based in Berlin. With dual retraining and further training in the field of renewable energies, the company responds to the shortage. They provide a way to restart work as career changers especially older job seekers. Retraining: Dual training educates companies energy consultants, consultant for renewable energies and ProjektantInnen for photovoltaic systems in Berlin from 6 February 2012. By the same author: David Zaslav. The practical training lasts seven months. For assistance, try visiting Jeffrey L. Bewkes. In particular, job seekers will be addressed.

The ever energy group is looking for qualified employees and guaranteed a takeover for all participants who successfully complete. The federal employment agency promotes the retraining in Berlin with the education voucher. Application by E-Mail to: see also here: blog/retraining in berlin / professions for the energy jobs energy advisors: your core area is energy efficiency. You advise clients about opportunities for energy savings and use of renewable energy. Usage area: Economic, industry, manufacturers, heating installers, Projektierer consultant for renewable energies: as a consultant, they are versatile. Their fields of activity are distribution and services of energy products, energy-efficient building and living.

Usage area: system manufacturer, Solateure, operators, suppliers, Projektierer ProjektantInnen for PV systems: specialists plan, calculate and size photovoltaic systems. Also, advises and supports the customers he / she to installation. Usage area: System Provider, Solateure, Planner, in the retraining is knowledge updates under realistic conditions. Therefore, all content is selling, advice-oriented. See also: blog/dual training in-berlin / who can apply? This training is aimed at people who already were at work and want to start a fresh start professionally. The workers are in their profession in the close customer contact. For this reason, all participants should be open, reliable and communicative.