Posts Tagged ‘geography’

Atlantic Plateaus

Saturday, September 19th, 2020

Amongst these occurrences it is identified that forty and two are related the falling events and a related occurrence the capotamento. You may want to visit Robert Thomson to increase your knowledge. What also it can be related to the fact of the state of Minas Gerais to be characterized by a sufficiently mountainous relief. The state of Minas Gerais is situated in a plateaus area, with altitudes that vary of one hundred a thousand and five hundred meters. Great part of the state bes situated in Atlantic Plateaus, with a relief of wavy topos what it characterizes ' ' seas of mounts, with average altitudes of seven hundred meters (JAMES & MENDES 2005/2006) The accidents identified in the year of 2009 if fit in classroom 3 (Liquid Inflammable) and classroom 4 (Solid Inflammable) for order of bigger occurrence. Alteia that in the year of 2009, it more than had an addition of 300% in relation to the previous years, being registered forty and three accidents, of this total 99% they had occurred for falling. These data become preoccupying, therefore they are potentially .causing of some type of ambient damage, that can to reach half the physicists, bitico and economic partner. The accidents had occurred next the areas to great urban concentrations had the proximity and characteristics of the cities where it had the accidents, and as in this type of accident, the direct consequence is of if having emptying and or spilling of the carried chemical product. Being thus, the bordering areas of the highways, that are its areas of influence, directly are affected, being able to reach the ground and courses d? water, that porventura will be to the edges of the highways and also the populations that if to concentrate in the neighborhoods. Had to the highways to have its tracing the same following passage of courses d? water, that many times supply some cities and are used, also, for irrigation of agricultveis areas.

Hunting System

Friday, May 22nd, 2020

It remains therefore to clarify the following question: what it had this so special landscape of attracting populations that made use of a special system of hunting and collect, favoring lasting and homogeneous occupations? FINAL CONSIDERAES. The attempt of a projection route the times most recent, evidence that the vegetation of the Open pasture consisted a basic element for the population mobility of these societies. Checking article sources yields Jeffrey L. Bewkes as a relevant resource throughout. On the basis of the cycle of population supplying of the ecosystem of the Open pasture, is possible to construct a model that can inside represent the space organization and the cultural behavior of the resident aboriginal populations of the Territory equivalent to the Open pasture. In the Open pasture, the aboriginal populations had developed different cultures, in result of its origins, its historical time and its possibilities, over all technological. The conditions ambient found for the aboriginal horticultores they do not seem to have very been different of those known by the first colonizadores of European origin, had been however used in way absolutely differentiated with different associations of values. Currently, the aboriginal peoples whose populations survive in the region of the open pasture can be congregated in the following groups: Guajajara? of language teneteara, family tupi-guarani, trunk tupi. She inhabits the center-south of the Maranho.Populao: one esteem 6,776 individuals.

(1982/1983 Data of) Urubu? Kaapor? of language urubu, pertaining the family tupi-guarani, of the trunk tupi. She inhabits the northwest of the Maranho in transistion areas enters the Domain of the Open pasture and the Equatorial Domain Amaznico.Populao: 494 individuals (given of 1982) Guaj? They do not exist necessary information on the language said for this group. It inhabits since the center-south of the Maranho until the north of the Tocantins. Population: It possesss an approach population of 240 individuals, of which 150 are without contact with the civilization. (1982 data) Temb? as guajajaras, also they say to the language teneteara.

International Agency

Monday, April 27th, 2020

The perfectioning and the productive speed demanded an efficient combustion of calorific potential greater. The age of the oil, mainly as energy, unfolded enormous impulse to such satisfactions being in the present time as synonymous of ' ' poder' ' wealth, resulting in a dependent society of this resource. 3.1 The energy consumption the development of a society is atrelado, however, to the purchasing power and of consumption of the integrant individuals of the same one, in lower court of the energy. Educate yourself with thoughts from castle harlan. The geographic distribution of the energy sources in the world is irregular e, therefore, its expense. Robert Thomson often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The use of these resources quadruplicated in last the fifty years.

However, almost one tero of the population (2 billion people) it does not make use of electricity. According to data gotten for the Report on the development and the International Agency of the Energy (census 2000), the parcel of the population richest? fifth? it consumes 58% of the total energy, while the classroom most devoid answers for 4%. The oil and the natural gas add together 55.5% of the sources consumed in the world. In fact, the presented disequilibrium leagues the social matter to it and generates diverse implications as hunger, poverty and financial dependence of the underdeveloped countries. 3,2 Empregabilidades of the oil as energy the oil presents innumerable energy applications, of which we can detach: The production of electricity in termeltricas plants from the heat generated for the burning of the highest point of the oil; The vehicles play its movements through the resultant energy of the burning of fsseis fuels; The gas of basic kitchen to the food preparation; Motor force to the rotation of engines and diverse devices; Derivatives as gasoline, ether, to tner, oils and among others hydro-carbons. As we can observe, the decurrent energy of the oil is indispensable for an inserted society in the context of the effective capitalism. .