Professional Seller
Monday, April 6th, 2020Text and photo video – with just one click – get started for the first time video classifieds in Germany was 2011, Munich, Raanana: as the first German portal for Classifieds and professional seller offers video classifieds. Advertisers can even click automatically create video ads from text and photos. In cooperation with the high-tech startup idomoo from Israel, the marketplace for sellers expanded the multimedia possibilities to reach buyers and at the same time, the range of a display. Buyer information appealing multimedia enhanced with sound, images, text and contact information. The ads also automatically on the video portal YouTube.
Advertisers reach multimedia even more potential buyers. A video ad is created in about two minutes. Simply advertise a classified ad with at least three photos on and publish the ad. Then select the “Photo video” option under additional options. The intelligent and innovative service can be first in the marketplace, vehicles and animal ads (dogs, horses and cats) categories apply. A professional video is produced automatically from text, photos, and address, the text is automatically set to music in connection with the images. Within a few minutes, appears the video on the display and is available also via YouTube. As is marked in hit list by an icon, that the display contains a video.
Deals with video, whether a dog ad or a car ad, get generally more resonance. Also on YouTube, the videos under the channels can be sales channel, marktdeAutos, find dogs and kittens horse ads or marktdeTiere – and play. The generation of video classifieds available advertisers initially free. In implementing the “Video-out photos” features familiar on the innovative technology of idomoo, a start-up from Israel.