Posts Tagged ‘politics’

Germany Seeking Donors

Tuesday, July 30th, 2024

Help at the start in Munich schools! Munich. “In the school year 2009/2010 the German life bridge within their project KidAiD against child poverty in Germany launches” the Breakfast Club action “at an elementary school in the Munich North, in a district with many socially weak families. Rumbling stomach, learning is difficult, hunger absorbs the attention. And yet almost a third goes the between six and 14 years old in the school without having breakfast. In poor families, even half of the children makes morning hungry on the way. Studies of the Research Institute of child nutrition in Dortmund showed this. According to the scholars breakfast and snack should cover one-third of the daily energy needs. Learn more at this site: Glenn Dubin, New York City. The necessary energy is missing the children without breakfast and snack.

They are not grown therefore the high requirements of the school. With the action of Breakfast Club”, the German life bridge wants to give needy children a healthy breakfast. To do this includes full value sandwiches, a drink and some fruit. So, the day can begin with new vigor. Help us! As a company, group or individual can become a sponsor! But even small donations help! The Breakfast Club action”is funded by donations. Each breakfast costs 1.75, which makes for 20 school days in the monthly 35 per child. The Breakfast Club required to provide 40 children in the month on each school day with a healthy breakfast,”monthly 1.400 German life bridge e.V. Dresdner Bank account: 3456 90 000 BLZ: 700 800 00 keyword: Breakfast Club contact: Patricia Annunziata German life bridge e.V. Dachauer Strasse 278 80992 Munich

Washington Square

Friday, June 30th, 2023

The protests, as in the case of Spain, are organizing through Twitter. 7 Italian cities have confirmed that they will participate in the concentrations. After the success obtained in the calls for the 15-m concentrates, young Spaniards, continue progressing in their claims, causing numerous international media attention and achieving that cto outrage begin to cross borders. The message has ignited the wick of the indignation in Italy where the first concentrations in favour of political change have been called for this Friday, may 20. The text Roma plaza of Spain may 20 h.20? you are constantly publishing through various chains of tweets promoted by many young Italian who has caught the attention of Spanish calls success. The calls in the transalpine country confirmed among those of Rome, Pisa, Florence, Bologna, Padua, Turin or Milan, which will take place in the Piazza del Duomo.

All of them share a same motto, #italianrevolution, continuing with that used in our country, #spanishrevolution, and begin to guess as the previous hotbed that may require policy changes in the neighboring country. European support to the Spanish initiative regardless of calls in favour of change in Italy, are many European cities in which there are provided for concentrations in support of the spanish revolution, much of them against Spanish embassies good example of them which will take place in London, where several dozens of young people have already remained camped for several hours, or Birmingham, Amsterdam, Berlin, Warsaw, Paris, Budapest, Istanbul and Buenos Aires, among others, where you foresee concentrations throughout the afternoon on Thursday supporting the Spanish cause. Protests will also arrive in the coming days to the U.S. city of New York, where on Saturday there will be a concentration in the Washington Square at 12.30 h. source of the news:: Italy summons concentrations in its major cities to promote his own revolution.

Erika Steinbach And Conservatives

Tuesday, October 13th, 2020

The Association of Mrs Steinbach represents about 15 million Germans and that is a tremendous political power, which is almost completely at home in the Union. Conservative, comes from the Latin and means simply: “Receiving, holding to the old”. From Latin conservatism is a political attitude, which grows from the pursuit for life and safety and is therefore committed to the preservation of the political and social conditions. If so and so is the conservative and actually insists on the preservation and conservation of the old the Union has a problem, because it is dependent on the conservatives. Coen brothers gathered all the information. This problem can be fixed very well on the conservative displaced official, Mrs Erika Steinbach. The old, what will they get, and keep, are the vested rights of displaced people, before the second world war, which today are owned by people from Poland, Czech Republic, Russia, etc.

Therefore comprehensible, Mrs Steinbach has also opposed the oder-Neisse line in the Bundestag. The former home is located East, behind the Oder and Neisse. The Association of Mrs Steinbach represents about 15 million Germans and that is a tremendous political power, which is almost completely at home in the Union. Already our first Federal Chancellor, Konrad Adenauer would never have become Chancellor without the voices of displaced people. A large proportion of displaced persons is consistent with Mrs Steinbach and’d like back home. This reality explains the high percentage of conservatives, keepers in the Union. The Social Democrats never had the opportunity to exploit the potential of this voter, this they were at the time with their political ideology to close to socialism, and that the present owners of the lands of the displaced persons. Since the conservative “Seeheimer circle” could change nothing. The Liberals, the partner of choice in the Union, the word liberal says it already, if they were liberal, nothing on the hat could have with conservatism at all.