Tips For A Better Management Of The Request
Ardour: request management lags in the practice complexity of projects should the possibilities after an implementation period of one year if possible not exceed Darmstadt, 06.06.2012 – belongs to the undisputed findings in the company’s IT practice, that the requirements to support business needs grow for many years with a constantly high dynamics. This resulted on the one hand from the increasing penetration of the business with information technology demand is growing so in quantitative terms. On the other hand, the call is louder with views on the competitiveness of quality support of business processes. IT organizations with unchanged or even reduced resources must meet these growing needs. Requirements management as an interface between the needs of the business units and the IT is of ever greater importance for this reason.
“Here must be filtered, prioritized and will be clarified”, explains Dr. Andreas Saliu, Manager of ardour. But this task sounds so naturally and logically, the concrete reality of the request management is so problematic after the experiences of the consulting firm. Often it remains behind the ways back and has only a formal function, because the necessary will to clarity nor the necessary structures for this”, criticized Selchow. As a result would costly projects on the needs of over utilization of IT resources with less strategically important projects and investments in the sand used. The consultant has outlined from his consulting experience five critical success factors, which often cause problems in practice of the request management: 1. without decision-making body is not: an assessment of requirements requires clearly defined and documented criteria which must derive from the corporate strategy. This task can be transferred therefore not single controller or randomly constituted interest groups, but belongs in the Hands of a governing purpose, in which both the business areas, control bodies and the IT are adequately involved. His task is to make a precise analysis, validation, and sectoral prioritization of requirements, without having to concentrate but the following operational processes of request realization.