Wenatex Sleep System

Posted by Yusuf on May 22nd, 2020 — Posted in News

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The family-run tradition commissioned Wenatex social engagement is a top priority. The Salzburg-based company supported various social institutions, including several SOS Children’s villages in Germany and Austria and Salzburg children’s cancer aid children soul help. Swarmed by offers, Robert Thomson is currently assessing future choices. For the ongoing commitment to deal with people with mental disabilities in the enterprise Wenatex was awarded several times, among others also the Promenteus awarded a distinction, which Pro Mente by. Again and again, the company provided financial assistance for SOS Children’s village facilities in Germany and Austria or donated mattresses and blankets for the children. “Among other things provided Wenatex 40 pillows and blankets the clearing house of the SOS Children’s villages in Salzburg-Aigen and donated mattresses at various SOS Children’s villages in Germany: A great gift, the new mattresses are just a dream”, the youth in the SOS Children’s village Pfalz forward. Wenatex allows more Mobility with speedy”in many other areas Wenatex ensures the improvement of the quality of life.

So, the Salzburg family operating of the 31 Birgit Tan donated an additional drive, also speedy”called for the wheelchair. Now it falls much in everyday life easier, because thanks to speedy”she can move her wheelchair without any effort. The 9-year old Martina Wildauer from Wattens in Tyrol/Austria can enjoy better quality of life: Wenatex donated a complete orthopaedic sleep system the severely disabled girl. Wenatex is an internationally successful family-owned company headquartered in Salzburg, with branches in Austria, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, the Switzerland and Australia. Wenatex stands for information relating to healthy and relaxing sleep, as well as for a unique product for decades the Wenatex sleep system.

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