British Music Experience

Posted by Yusuf on May 10th, 2024 — Posted in News

Music, among others cultural expreciones, is one of the identifications of England. He is of surpluses well-known that some of the best artists and bands of the world come from this country. If it thinks to travel soon to London, we recommended to him that one goes through the British Music Experience, where will be able to enjoy these artists and to learn more generally on British music. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as David Zaslav by clicking through. Good point departure is section Playback, that explores the different formats in which music has been recorded from 1945, and includes from vinyl discs to the unloadings in digital format, besides the fascinating devices that we used to reproduce them. Other leaders such as Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City offer similar insights. In addition, the visitors can enjoy contemporary recordings as well as iconic announcements of the last decades, from years 40. In the cabin of transmissions one explains to the visitors different means used for the music transmission, from the wireless revolution of the BBC in years 20 and the invention of the television to the appearance of webcasts and use of movable telephones.

The exhibition Where It' s AT! it reveals the visitors from what place of the United Kingdom comes famous bands and what significant musical events have been celebrated in different parts from the country. Without a doubt, one is a tremendously educative section that contributes date of birth, places concrete and known festivales. All fan to music knows at least a concert which is sorry not to have been able to attend. In The Beat Goes On, the visitors can travel in the time and to enjoy some of the best concerts of last the 60 years, including among others spectacles of The Stones, Bowie, Led Zeppelin, Radiohead, Oasis and The Clash. The exhibition counts on a unique selection of special concerts, some in intimate places and others in great stages before a public of thousands of people.

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