Capucchino Coffee
For this he had already altered my nervous system and my cycle normal sleep, only when I slept longer than the 10 or 12 hours could feel good, much negligence indeed on my part, reach these exaggerated mixtures. Jeff Bewkes understands that this is vital information. Sometimes some people think nothing will do us harm, in some cases it is nice to think so, however that does not mean that we should expose ourselves to the danger and exaggerations. So I started to get away from the megadoses of caffeine, however now it had grabbed him affection to the taste of the coffee and home everything was usual coffee consumers, so say goodbye to 100% was impossible, at home began to change by the instant barley coffee but without good reception the taste is not the same, many times this is sold as a healthy food, and in fact it isn’t, since to be a refined cereal its action is similar to sugar, is more calorie intake is equivalent to refined white sugar, one day a friend told me I took that barley with low-sugar coffee so all light, and I say have you seen label, practically that barley coffee is 100% sugar, and to make matters worse is refined sugar (simple carbohydrate), Where is the healthy, look at the label and counts calories? Since mid-2008, first heard the name of healthy coffee, could it be possible? Only healthy coffee with Ganoderma extract lucidum which was his grace?, how good Netizen, started the search for the truth, at that time spend you a few hours to the pursuit, much information of all kinds, sounded convincing, for curiosity reason chooses to buy the product to the person who recommended it me, a flavor type Capucchino that turned out nice, then I lost contact. By 2009, the product returned to approach me, a new company and this time in various presentations, coffee black, coffee mocha, coffee capucchino, and organic origin, then information scientific search engine specialized on Ganoderma lucidum as PubMed already was such that the doubt or having skepticism that Ganoderma lucidum lacks scientific support and rationale to be consider a healthy foodserious sin of ignorant and refuse to reality.