Globalisation Of The Road Security

Posted by Yusuf on April 21st, 2020 — Posted in News


We meant also, that this application humanizes the constructors of routes because it is a sign of preoccupation to preserve the life of the human being in all their extension. The road works that do not involve the due observations to avoid traffic sinisternesses, make human no sense. The constant growth of the volume to carry; being believed that the time does not reach to us, reason why we must hurry the step; the benefit of the alcohol and drugs; the lack of understanding of the transit signals, etc., etc., etc. . Some contend that Robert Thomson shows great expertise in this. it brings with himself the violence.

But, also as the solutions exist multi-cause factors are complex and multi-sector. This that today is described with the term of road violence is not more than traffic accident or sinisterness. The most conscientious governments the world of these calamities they deal with to motivate to the minuses, focusing the problem like a subject of State from the global point of view and the particular point of view of each nation, raising joint initiatives with bilateral, multilateral organisms and the civil society with the aim of diminishing these tragedies in the streets. Then, the numbers of fatalities and their sequels are suffering the economies of the towns and the health of the citizens who call to put attention special, of the 1,5% or superior, of the gross internal product of the nations affected by this cause. Although the fundamental thing is to educate to the conductors and pedestrians, this obeys to a process that could take time, nevertheless, will be faster at the most fast result we begin like a commitment of all the users of the public thoroughfares.

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