Heat Acne
Also known as acne vulgaris, acne is an inflammatory disease of the skin that is caused by a bacterial infection of this due to a congregation of matter on the skin. The condition is common during puberty and is regarded as an abnormal response to normal levels of the male hormone testosterone. The response of most people diminishes over time and acne tends to disappear or at least decreases after puberty; However, there is no way to predict how long it will take to disappear completely, and some individuals will continue suffering from acne for decades later. Acne affects a large number of human beings sometime in his life. Symptoms. This is presented as a series of excessive secretions from sebaceous glands which, combined with dead skin cells, blocking the hair follicle. Under the clogged pore produce secretions from fat that provide a perfect environment for the epidermal bacteria Propionibacterium acnes, which produces a infection in the pore which excretara pus, causing acne to multiply uncontrollably. In response, the skin becomes inflamed causing visible injury.
The face, chest, back, shoulders and arms are especially affected. Besides the visible scars, acne usually appears during adolescence, just when teenagers tend to be socially more insecure. Acne can become very annoying with pains in the pores of the skin and also becomes a trauma for aesthetic reasons. Causes. Several factors linked to acne are known: hormonal activity, such as menstrual cycles at puberty.
Stress, driven by downloads from the adrenal glands. Overactive sebaceous glands, secondarily to hormones cited below. Accumulation of dead skin cells. Bacteria in the pores, which the body becomes allergic. Skin irritation or any form of scratching will activate inflammation. Some medicines. Exposure to high levels of compounds of chlorine. Treatment. There are many products for sale for the treatment of acne, many of them with no scientifically proven effects. Generically speaking, successful treatments provide small improvements between the first and the second week and then acne decreases approximately by about three months; After this, improvement begins to pave it. Treatments that promise results in two weeks, are likely to be disappointing, but of course, there are exceptions. A combination of treatments, can greatly reduce the number and severity of acne in many cases. Paul Ostling oftentimes addresses this issue. These treatments, which are effective mostly tend to have a greater potential for side effects and need a greater degree of medical control and monitoring. Many people consult with specialists to decide which treatment to follow, especially when the possibility of combining different treatments is considered. Topical bactericidal topical antibiotics Chemical Peeling treatments hormonal skin exfoliation external retinoids retinoids via oral phototherapy Heat currently Photodynamic therapy there is a treatment that is giving magnificent results both men and women, since part of the origins of acne, if you want to know about this treatment and their success stories, only visit by clicking on: how remove and eliminate acne permanently.