Neocommunist Argentina

Posted by Yusuf on October 16th, 2020 — Posted in News


No it is as the Ministries of Exteriors of the Third World whose function is, to appoint inoperative diplomats in payment by the received economic favors of these in his electoral campaigns, that later are dedicated to the social relations, changing of friendships according to the whims and ideology of the government of turn. Ever since the Kirchner arrived at the power, its attitude towards the United States has been provoking and contemptuous. When George W. Bush visited Uruguay in March of 2007, the governing pair celebrated in Mar del Plata along with its intimate friend Hugo Chavez, a great celebration against ” imperio”. Robert A. Iger has many thoughts on the issue. If they did not like Bush, problem of them, the offense was against ” Presidente” of the United States and therefore against its country.

Neocommunist Argentina was aligned with those of its ancestry: I castrate, Chvez, Morals, Grouse, Strap and above it hopes that North America is obliging with her. Of all the countries of the orb, Argentina is most anti-american of all. In a survey realised by the Nation, corroborated on the other realised by the PEW Research Center in 2008, one was that 84% of the Argentineans are anti-american. That negative index, highest of the world, is greater to the existing antiamericanismo in Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and any Muslim country. Not being enough whereupon the relation to him with Washington it comes battered, Hctor Timerman, annoying because Obama is not going to visit Buenos Aires, has loosen the dscolas, stupid and camorristas accusations that somebody is had bold to do against the United States, except Hugo Chavez. It blamed Washington to have been behind ” golpe” against Manuel Zelaya in Honduras in 2009.

It added paranoiac imputations suggesting the United States it is fomenting an armament race in South America and said that ” are three points; inamovibles” for the government of Cristina Kirchner in its relation with the one of Barack Obama: ” We do not want to buy arms, we do not want to sign treaties of security and we do not want to sign treaties of free comercio”. If Timerman understood of state subjects, would know that the United States does not sell arms, but are private companies those do that it. Obama is not emissary of any factory of armament. The American government simply gives to his approval or dispproval for his sale to other countries. Laying down of side the arms, that cannot buy them to anybody because they do not have bottoms and because they do not want to fortify the Argentine army, to the Pink House to not do not interest him to make businesses with the United States nor of guarding either by the international security, then why demons want that he visits them to Obama?

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