Picoactuator –
Lead-free Piezoaktor with high linearity enables increased system bandwidth PI ceramic is one of the leading manufacturers in the field of piezo Indicatory and sensory products. With the Picoactuator PI offers ceramic longitudinal and actuators, which consist of the crystalline piezoelectric material PIC 050. In contrast to the classical Piezoaktor from lead lead zirconate titanate (PZT), Picoactuatoren show a highly linear displacement. “Concrete: 10 times higher linearity in 10 times less displacement, Picoactuatoren make small but fine”. Picoactuatoren are configurable to heights of 20 mm and maximum travels by +/-3 m.
applications lie in precision positioning technology, if the low displacement is sufficient, and high dynamics and accuracy (linearity) are required. The high linearity enables the operation without position control, which the dynamics and system bandwidth by up to an order of magnitude can be improved. Application examples include sample scanner in the Atomic force microscopy with several 100 Hz scanning frequency. Also for high resolution microscopy classic Piezoscanner be provided with a vertical axis with Picoactuatoren, the deviations from Planar scan in the Z axis to reduce to below 1 nanometer. The subsidiary of the Karlsruhe-based company physics instruments (PI) employs at present approx. 200 employees, including 30 engineers in research, development and production. Customer orientation is in uppercase. The early contact between users and application / development engineers is the key to technically optimal, tailored to the application and at the same time commercially sensible solutions. Advice on system integration is as obvious as a comprehensive after sale service, which sees itself not as mere repairs, but as user support. Benefit from a wide range of industries: the company provides Piezoelectric ceramic solutions for all major high-tech markets ranging from industrial automation and Semiconductor industry of medical technology, mechanical engineering, precision engineering and the automotive sector to air and space. Sandra Ebler