Posts Tagged ‘government’


Wednesday, March 18th, 2020

Everything has its time and the perseverancia is the key to get to dominate what you aspire. The objectives are important when they help you to realise your dreams. The Businesses by Internet are a powerful system and a model of life in which the success it reaches helping the people who are prepared to improve their present situation.It is possible that all we leave ahead, helping mutually to grow and giving to a sense proficuo us to which we are going to realise. The important thing is to be present in the tendencies of the market and to detect the transformations that are approached, catching the opportunities at our surroundings. This will allow you to comprise of the very small one percentage of the people who gain fortunes nowadays and of by life. It uses the privileged information that you receive and beam that pleasant things in your life happen.

It visualizes clearly that it is a business opportunity that is worth the trouble to put on approval. In all the aspects of your life, the action is fundamental and represents one of main keys of the success, the one that is going to give form to everything.It faces the challenges the abierta mind, like an art, not like a difficulty. I know flexible in proving something different. You have the great opportunity to change your life completely if you are had to despertarte to the new conception life without being scared to the changes. The moment has arrived for seeing our world of a different form. It creates compomiso with same you, convirtete in a successful person, enjoys the style life that you dream to have, improves the world that surrounds to you, removes the Victor that there is in your interior!


Thursday, November 8th, 2018

Green Cabo and Santo Tom and Prince are between the most successful countries in the fight against the malaria during the last decade, whereas Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau have advanced little, according to needed the World-wide Organization the Health (the WHO). The annual report of the malaria (or malaria), published for days by the WHO, has been placing to these two countries within a group of 11 African countries that obtained a reduction of more of 50% in the number of cases of poliomielitis between years 2000 and 2009. Green Cabo is I consider, from year 2009, in phase of ” pre-eliminacin”of the malaria, after happening of 126 cases registered between 2000 and 2001 to only 65 cases detected during the past year. At present, the 58 percent of the population lives in areas where the risk of contracting malaria is low, whereas the rest of the country is free of the disease. In Santo Tom and Prince a still greater diminution took place, of 38655 cases in average in period 2000-2005 to 3893 cases in 2009, less than 90%. According to the study of the WHO, Angola, Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau appear between the countries that have not registered significant improvements in the reduction of the cases.

The number of probable and confirmed cases in great Angola has undergone variacioesn in the last decade, happening of 1.47 million in 1999 to 3.25 million in 2003, and falling to 2.22 million in 2009. In Guinea-Bissau, the number of registered cases the past year reached 143 thousands, rather less than the tip of 246 thousands of year 2000. The report of the WHO affirms that the distribution of great amounts of mosquito nettings dealt with insecticides and the improvement of the effectiveness of the fumigation methods of the homes, are measured fundamental to fight the malaria and to reduce the cases.