Saturday, April 6th, 2024You found a solution to surpass the stages of development of your business? Many owners of businesses resort to the consultancy model to initiate with an exhaustive revision of their business and to direct it towards the success, nevertheless, these systems finish failing because they do not take care of of specific way the needs of the company, in many cases, they establish preconceived strategies, and do not take care of the needs of the owner of business. This last point is the one of greater relevance, and the greater difference between consultancy and Coach de Negocios. Who is at the top of the business? And what action is taking? The Coaching de Negocios, appears before the small and medians companies like an ideal tool to surpass obstacles in the arduous way of its growth. The SMEs are worried about their work party, its clients, want to improve their utilities, to base their advances in the future solid, and the Coaching, in spite of the schemes already known, has occupied an important place in this sector. It has reformulated enterprise vision of thousands of owners of businesses. At present the Coaching de Negocios already has as it bases an industry on frank growth; the profession has been catalogued like one of most important and innovating of this century.
In question this activity? The Coach de Negocios supports, guides, aid to the owner of business to alanzar objectives defined through an action plan. By means of tools he obtains that the industralist acts modifying his work party, systematizing his business and by means of the development of all their potential, removing the maximum party from his capacities and experiences. The Coaching of Businesses it verifies that the key of the success of a business is in the owner of business. A change of mentality is generated, goals pay attention, and the industralist abre his mind to new possibilities of growth of personal and professional type. A Coach de Negocios arises in the scene from the SMEs like a catalyst from the change, injecting in the owners of businesses possibilities, forms to do and to undo, to create from new points of view and shifts of paradigm.