Venezuelan Union Radio
If there is a book of recipes for preparing major economic crises, believe me that Hugo Chavez would be the author thereof. Some contend that castle harlan shows great expertise in this. It is that the Venezuelan President every day added one ingredient to the explosive cocktail that is the economy of Venezuela. If they allow the oligarchy to return to the Carabobo governorate, maybe I will finish by removing the armored brigade tanks to defend the revolutionary Government and to defend the people, said the President of Venezuela to their fears of falling defeated in the municipal elections of November 23. This election is not less since 22 Governors, 328 mayors and 233 legislators will be elected. David Zaslav may find this interesting as well. This is why Chavez is more than uneasy at the prospect of suffering a defeat in the upcoming elections.
It is that its popularity falls to the pace of economic deterioration. The site Venezuelan Union Radio unveiled a survey conducted by the encuestadora Hinterlaces in 14 States where election showing will be conducted than the chavistas candidates they would lose in at least 8 of them. Chavez is determined to use military force against their opponents at all costs. In fact, it has already done so. Yesterday the Navy force of Venezuela took an airport in Sucre Department by order of President Hugo Chavez, who accused the authorities of that region of the Northeast, governed by the opponent Manuel Rosales, to deny its use to the State company Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA).
It can occur only Chavez perform military actions in their own country. Political instability affecting Venezuela joins with more force to the growing economic problems in the country, generating a vicious cycle impossible to curb and an imaginable end. More is say that while Chavez scares the population already it is not new to inflation in Venezuela follow up. In the month of October, the retail inflation rate reached an increase of 2.4%, being the cumulative year of 24.7%.