Archive for January, 2015

International Conference Calls

Wednesday, January 28th, 2015

The AS information services GmbH expands its professional conference call service AS call ( more local input dial phone numbers in 12 countries. Mulheim/Ruhr, August 30, 2010 – since the launch of AS-call telephone conferences, participants from around the world about a German access number can take part in a conference call. For callers from Belgium, France, United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Italy, the Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Singapore, Spain, of Switzerland, and the United States are now local fixed network numbers in the own country – this can be achieved at national connection prices. “Telephone conferences run by the globalization and to reduce travel costs increasingly across borders. With the activation of the local dial-up numbers from abroad offers the initiator of an AS-call conference call Conference guests an additional service and reducing call costs at the same time for his interlocutor”, explains Andreas battle. Managing Director of AS information services GmbH, the operator of AS-call. The new international single election numbers are starting immediately, all users of the professional version AS-call available. Activation is free of charge in the customer area on.

In the introductory phase up to 30.10.2010, the use of the new single choice numbers free of charge is possible. From the 01.11.2010 only forwarding costs in the amount of 5 cents fall to the initiator of an AS-call conference call NET / 5.95 cents to gross per minute. Company description AS information services GmbH is VAT and telecommunications services provider with headquarters in Mulheim an der Ruhr. That of Andreas battle and Alexander Stellmach founded company offers tailor-made solutions for service numbers (0180, 0700, 0800, local service numbers), telephone secretarial services/Callcenterdienste, as well as for professional teleconferencing. More services covering the operation of SMS gateways. Offering their services AS information services GmbH company turns everyone Magnitude and SMS service providers and resellers. Internet: company contact: AS information services GmbH Andreas battle Harde mountain str. 18B 45472 Mulheim Tel: 0208 941398-0 E-Mail: Web:

International Competition

Sunday, January 11th, 2015

Proposed a new theory of the author – “non-linear communication” – crosses the boundary of the old scientific paradigm. Specialist, and just an ordinary person the opportunity to look at the world through different eyes. He opened the universe where there are energy-systems and processes, the combined space of a single interaction. Here the notion of “communication” takes on new meaning, returning his “birthright.” “The theory of nonlinear communication” actually brings many competing views, opinions and directions. Axiomatic theorems, models, and an extensive conceptual framework developed by the author, can serve as a basis for a fundamental theory, corresponding to the realities of the twenty-first century. In the process of research in social psychology have developed a new methodology, called them “formalism of non-linearity” – a rejection of stereotypes and absolute reality. “The theory of nonlinear communication” as the new research area, focused on specialists in the sphere of social communication – psychologists, sociologists, political scientists, journalists, advertisers, marketers, as well as in other spheres of activity of employees – teachers, medical, military, financiers, business representatives, government officials, cultural workers and artists.

Students theory may be useful from the standpoint of the practical aspects of nonlinear communication in their future professional activity. The theory can not be just a tool for solving social problems, it teaches a new way to look at the world, to evaluate themselves and others in this world. Of particular importance is a new research direction in distribution of different types of psycho. The theory of nonlinear communication reveals the principles and mechanisms of these technologies, allowing scientific practical tools to confront the effects of psycho-and psy-wars. Academician AA Bodalev praised the theoretical developments and the author’s book and offered to introduce a chapter on nonlinear communication in the new collective monograph edited by him. The work of VA was Zhebita appreciation of the Russian Academy of imageology, corresponding member of which he is. At an international annual competition “Image-directory” is the third time in 2008 the winner was awarded the title of the author’s contribution to the domestic psychological science, its new scientific developments and educational programs.

Reference: VA Zhebit – Ph.D., a specialist in the field of social psychology, imageology, political and social work, advocacy, communication technologies, Psy. Certified specialist in analytic work. Since 1993, engaged in scientific researches in the field of social psychology. Since 1996, engaged in practical work as a counselor and analyst (correction of psychosomatic). Member of the Academy imageology. Four-time winner of International Competition “Image-directory” for the scientific contribution to psychological science. The creator of the theory of nonlinear communication. The author of the book “Theory of communication. Nonlinear Communication “, Moscow. 2005. Developer training programs that have received recognized and highly scientific assessment. Over the past 4 years has published about 20 scientific papers on social psychology and a scientific monograph. Is preparing to release a series of books “Nonlinear communication.

While Facebook

Friday, January 2nd, 2015

Rise if we listen now honestly in us into it, we feel this need, to assess the need and to be evaluated. And so it was also those people with the concept of Facebook”have faced from the outset. The new style”was born. While Facebook”initially mainly in the United States had its existence, entered the stage even the German (now major) analog concepts: StudiVZ and one year later WerKenntWen. Here, the basic concept was slightly modified because not focused like in FB on evaluating people. Here was the exchange of private and study-related information in the foreground.

People who know each other, meet more people together including are also a lot of people, not seen for 6 years. The concept arrived. And at lightning speed, also of the German-speaking world was infected by social network fever. Although a different German portal basically a little earlier pursued the same concept before Facebook but without evaluation focus. The today’s XING.

It was founded in 2003 as OpenBC”but rather in the background of the public perception. Perhaps due to the The fact that this portal was designed from the outset as a business portal. So, also a long time almost exclusively in business circles was known. But in the mainstream, the new portals were the triumph of the new communities”to consistently. Only thousands, were later then millions of people suddenly join of a social community”- a new social community, which uses the Internet as a medium. We went the next step. We reflect our real world in a server. We have another piece of digital. The opportunity to present themselves and to share areas of thematic groups, have resulted in the new dimension of the social structure of the contact. Today, it is easy for the inclined seeker, particular person known very many details of one to apply through the Internet. In the stressful everyday life of always driving force of the economy, these portals allow a nightly exchange of information.