Archive for August, 2019


Thursday, August 29th, 2019

In recent times they have invaded us social networking and many can no longer live without them. I want to distinguish between the social networks that we use to keep in touch with our friends and you use them as a playful element and the professional social networks that are one part of your professional life and use them to acquire new customers and increase your contacts. In our case, the networks that matter to us are the professionals. When started all users were entrepreneurs, freelancers, entrepreneurs or people who had a position in any company and wanted to contact their customers or improve its network of contacts. Little by little these professional networks have become also a meeting point where you also have your friends and with the crisis have begun to be a point where to find employment since according to the statistics there are approximately 5 million unemployed. The other day at one of our business meetings told us the owner of a company of selection that she has stopped using them because the only thing that came to they were unemployed c.v.

(in August that is everyone’s vacation which she arrived 1500 c.v.) and she really what I wanted to achieve were customers. More and more entrepreneurs complain that part of users who try to is to have against more contacts better and do not stop to receive invitations from people who neither know nor have nothing to do with its target. According to laws of networking suggest 4 points that should not be done in social networks:-invite a possible contact to your network, or send you information directly without knowing him or have you previously reported. -Invite your contacts contacts or people you barely know. -Accept invitations from anyone if know him, without references. -Accumulate contacts that you do not contribute. We wanted to go a step further and we are creating the social network business & Networking implemented within our own website. Our social network is going to be exclusive to people with projects, entrepreneurs, self-employed or entrepreneurs.

Not going to be room for an administrator who wants to change employment or be in contact with a friend who works at a different company to yours and under the name of the company using the network for this purpose, etc. all companies or people who want to be within the social network business & Networking must be clear what your potential customer and that is what they are looking for and offer. Each profile will be examined for approval and we want from business & Networking help you to create synergies between entrepreneurs and others. In this month of October it will be ready for use and if someone wants to enter it we can send the request through our website, on the contact tab, and when we opening it, I’ll send the invitation. As always only I can invite you to our business meetings.

Primate Reig

Sunday, August 25th, 2019

It was this another Primate Reig already disappeared, chronologically earlier than the Avenue lit and frequented by cars that has become today, where all those corpses of people risked ominously absolutely unknown by me. Lol Not all were unknown. Following discoveries occurred almost simultaneously. To put some order in my mind chaotic, quite dodgy at the time by the events so tremendous that they were happening, I tried exponer them myself one after the other with some method, separately. Show me. First it was giving me account that I had been there for many, many, years. To be more precise: I had previously lived in that same street Primate Reig, had disappeared a long time thanks to the urban progress. But there again again: in the same place where today magnificent homes rise, but at a time prior to its construction.

For some reason which could not decipher, I had located anachronistically in other more remote times. Secondly then, one hand landed on my left shoulder and a voice, this time Yes, quite family, told me: I’m glad you’re here. But this was not the order of exposure that I myself had imposed on me. Before the hand had perched on my shoulder, just a moment before, I discovered that familiar face among the unfamiliar faces of the other dead. It was mine. It was myself, only I was aged only twelve. Half a century before. That was a tremendous, narcotic, devastating discovery.

While the legs were shaking before being able to assimilate him, one hand landed on my left shoulder and a familiar voice said to me: I’m glad you’re here. I turned me and saw there. It was my wife, I would say that bright, the incessant rain. And you, what you do here? I have called you. Did you go? Of course.

Beauty Tips

Monday, August 19th, 2019

Undoubtedly all women pay much attention to the care of the skin as well as its beauty, but many times advice or solutions that we find are designed for women of a certain age, so here I present tips of beauty for women of any age. The proper use of skin care products will help in the long road to maintain the youth and beauty of the skin. Apart from moisturizers, sunscreen must also be an important part of the set of products for facial care and skin. You should always remove makeup before going to sleep. You must not allow to stay on your face for long periods of time, this can cause the pores become clogged and consequently you have acne eruptions. You need to sleep well to remove all that tension or stress from the body.

Sleep at least 8 hours a day is the recommended minimum. Good sleep also helps the skin to regenerate skin cells and therefore have a skin more radiant. You should try all the fresh and pure air that you’re breathing possible. Be exposed to contaminated air or in environments where there is a lot of dirt can be prone to further irreparable damage on the skin. If you have sensitive skin, you should make sure that products you use do not have any side effect skin. If you experience side effects, it is recommended to use hypoallergenic products. Original author and source of the article.

Leoncio Martinez

Monday, August 19th, 2019

And but ahead it ends: the towns do not follow their agitators but to those who incarnate to a unanimous aspiration of the majority. The towns do not know agitators but you interpret, for that reason they follow to whom food promises to them when they are hungry, to that them justice speech when they feel pressed, and until a those that promise revenge to them when victims feel. They followed Boves because Boves promised to them to take revenge the deceit that the unfulfilled promises did victim to them of those who signed the Act of 1811, because Boves offered the sacking to them and the battle in retaliation against the mantuano and Creole target that had been appropriated everything what it assumed had to happen at the hands of the town. But soon they followed Bolivar, because the Liberator made specific the aspirations far better, defining them with words of a formulated and already ruling good doctrine in Europe, that was called Democracy. Boves, as it interprets, did not translate but the passional, Barbarian question, almost animal, that was shaken in the soul of the mass; Bolivar, arrived more thoroughly, more to the root of the public spirit and, instead of to invite for the preposterous putsch and without horizon, she exhibited total program and concrete, faithful she interprets of all whatever was desired. The brilliance with which our situation like country exposes Leoncio Martinez, cannot be righter. It would seem that it lived today between us it had written and it yesterday. The first paragraph is perceived directed to our political leadership: if the town obtains somebody able one to translate in words a popular feeling, the town will accompany to him decidedly. Here it mentions specifically because the Venezuelan town followed Boves by revenge of failed to fulfill promises of a class leader of the past and then, when finding in another one interprets, the Liberator, that I arrive more thoroughly and exhibited a program, reads, a program, total well and complete that culminated successfully, it indicates as it I read also followed, it but with a entirely different and opposed result.